Monday, February 13, 2012


Can you believe it. The worst part is, I still can't determine why the old column wouldn't fit.   I guess if restoring cars was easy, everyone would be doing it.
In celebration, I spent two hours late this afternoon repairing some small blemishes in the engine bay and tomorrow it and the trunk area will be prepared for repainting.  I know...I've already done this once.  I just wasn't satisfied with it.  I promise, this is the last time I will paint the engine bay and trunk...probably.  After the final finish is applied to these areas, the body of the car will be painted with several coats of high build primer in preparation for the final "blocking".
I would love to install the engine and transmission, but it is difficult to keep them clean during the painting process when they are fitted to the car.  I must show restraint.

Life is good,
Tom McCurry