I decided, since there were so many parts on this car that would require refinishing, to purchase a sandblasting cabinet. I chose a cabinet about 36 x 24 x 24 complete with a light and a dust recovery system. Refinishing the parts just got easier. After sandblasting all the small parts, spray them with self-etching primer to protect them from rust.
Next, clean or sandblast the suspension frame as required. The frame is considerably larger than my sandblasting cabinet so I cleaned mine using a pneumatic die grinder and a fiber paint remover wheel. It only took about an hour. After the paint, grease and rust were removed, self-etching primer was applied.

After the primer has dried properly, the parts should be lightly sanded and primed with an epoxy primer. Allow this primer to dry overnight and lightly sand again. Clean all the parts to remove dust and grease and apply two coats of single stage, semi-gloss polyu
rethane paint and allow to dry for at least 24 hours before reassembling the suspension

In my next post, I will discuss the re-assembly of the suspension.