After the old, rusty trunk pan is removed and the perimeter has been cleaned and is free from rust and grease. Now, drill or punch 5/16" holes about every 3" around the perimeter of the pan as shown. Now, you are ready to position the trunk pan.

Because it may be necessary to weld underneath the car, so it should be lifted at least 12 inches and placed securely on jack stands. Be sure the car is level from front to back and side to side. The new trunk pan requires the removal of the trunk latch bracket. The bracket is factory installed with four spot welds and is easily removed by drilling a 5/16" hole directly in the center of the weld. After the bracket is removed, the pan can be moved into place from underneath.

After the pan is in place and level in both directions the welding process can begin. Weld one or two of the perimeter holes on each side of the pan and check to make sure that the pan is still level. If the pan is not tight against the frame where it is to be welded, tap it gently with a hammer and weld that area immediately. Repeat the process until all the holes have been welded. Finally, reinstall the trunk latch bracket. The welding process is complete.
The next post will address preparing the new pan for primer and paint.